3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Does anyone know how the test-optional holistic approach really works?

Does anyone know how the test-optional holistic approach really works? How do prestigious colleges compare applicants with and without test scores? Let's set aside for a moment the race factor, socioeconomic status, and any potential hooks. As an illustration: Jane, Anna, and Michele are friends who attend the same high school and take the same AP classes. Jane has a 3.9 GPA, a 1550 SAT score, and four 4s and one 5 on her AP exams. Anna has a 3.9 GPA, submitted all 5s AP results, but no SAT scores. Michelle has a 4.0 GPA, submitted the 1550 SAT, and did not submit any AP exams. How are these three girls compared to one another in terms of admission under the test-optional holistic approach?

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Accepted Answer
3 years ago

The philosophy behind test-optional holistic admissions works something like this - the more evidence an applicant provides of high academic achievement, the more admissions points they receive. Submitting an SAT score in the top 25% of scores for admitted students or higher can only help an applicant. Not submitting a score does not take away points from an applicant, but it does not give them any points either.

In your example scenario, Jane would have the strongest academic profile because she provides the most well rounded evidence of high academic achievement. Anna would have the next best profile, since test optional schools place more importance on both unweighted and weighted GPA than SAT scores. Michelle would have the weakest profile because she probably has less evidence of a high weighted GPA and classroom performance than the other two applicants. Her high SAT score would still count for something, and a good explanation for not submitting AP exam scores (e.g. a concussion) could make her on par with Anna.

With all that said, any hooks or diverse identities would give an applicant more of a boost than even a perfect SAT score could at test-optional schools. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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