a year ago
Harvard prospective students


I am 11grader students from India and I don't have a strong extracurriculum profile I don't have any state level or national level certificates but my academics and SAT scores arr quite decent .So without having these kind of certificates will I be able to get into some of the good universities in US

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi there!

As you said that you only have the grades but not the extracurriculars - this is not ideal for you considering most colleges require a student who is well-rounded i.e. good in both scholastic and co-scholastic work.

I would suggest you pick up certain clubs in your school if they are available and contribute as much as possible, even try to get the leadership position. Apart from that, try to participate in olympiads as they are one of the most common things in India although very competitive.

You can always attend extra courses for dance, music, art etc. that you find interesting through either YouTube or paid classes. You should be dedicated, is the point.

Along with that, if possible and if you enjoy giving something back to the community, go ahead with volunteering for NGOs or other good causes that you feel are significant for you and the society as a whole.

If you have student body government (student council), try to gain a leadership position in that. Colleges love nothing more than strong, confident, all-rounder leaders as a part of their institute. All the best!

a year ago

You do not need certificates to get into top colleges in the US. However, having a strong extracurricular profile is important. Since extracurriculars can be challenging to find in countries outside the US, I recommend doing them at home. Independent activities can look just as good to colleges as extracurriculars done at school or through a community organization. This CollegeVine blog post lists some examples of extracurriculars you could do at home. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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