a year ago
Harvard prospective students

Requesting Advice

Hi. I'm a 9th grader attending an international school in South Korea. I really want to get accepted into Harvard, and I want to ask for some advice in achieving this goal. I plan on applying as an international student with financial aid.

P.S. I plan on majoring in Computer Science.

Currently, I am:

4.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale(This will probably change, since this is only my first year)

SAT score of 1580

Taking 3 AP classes(AP Psychology, AP Computer Science A, AP Calculus BC)

Participating in MUN contests

Reporter for school newspaper club

Translation volunteer work

I plan to:

Prepare for The Concord Review

Participate in summer camps

Take more AP classes(I hope to take at least 10 total)

Participate in programming contests such as USACO or ICPC

Are there any other activities or programs that anyone could recommend to me? And could you also provide some feedback on my current plan? Thank you.

🎉 First post
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@annabella year ago

Hi, sorry this isn't an answer to your question, but how did you get involved in translation volunteer work? I'd like to do a similar thing but don't really know where to start. Good luck on your academics!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@suffering_from_APa year ago

I searched for some volunteer activities on a site named VolunteerMatch and applied for one. It has a wide range of activities you can volunteer for. You should check it out.

@annabella year ago

Thank you so much!

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1 answer

a year ago

I think that you are on the right track and have an impressive profile for a 9th grader! This CollegeVine blog post has some tips for enhancing your profile and applying. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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