3 years ago


How many schools should I apply to?

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3 years ago

that depends on you. For example I only plan to apply to 5 but I have 1 hard target 1 target and 3 safety as my second choice is a safety for me. I would just make sure to not apply to schools unless you actually have a decent amount of interest in attending. Apps can get really expensive so if your list is really long I would just pick your faves and a few safeties you like.

3 years ago

Agee but if your schools are the ivies you probably want to apply either more of them or have 2 or more safeties. But you should almost never do more then 17 applications unless its no effort and free


3 years ago

I just graduated this year and got into my top choice so I can give you some unprofessional advice. I applied to 7 schools and got into 6/7. I would recommend applying to 1-2 safety schools, 3-4 target schools, and 1-2 reach schools. I personally did 2 safeties, 3 targets, and 2 reaches. However, it all depends on how much time you're willing to put into your applications. Make sure you put in enough time into each app. Spend the most time on your target schools, as those are the ones you should have a good chance of getting into but also ones that you're actually interested in attending! Good luck!


3 years ago

Don't do too much or else everything gets confusing and it will stress you out. I would say put down all the school you feel comfortable going to and put maybe 1 or 2 hard targets or reaches. I plan on doing about 6 or 7 colleges. Don't do more than 11. I know from my cousin who applied to 22 colleges. It was a complete mess. Anyway just pick the schools that you think you would well in and would love.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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