3 years ago

what are you future lawyers up to?

Hi, everyone! I am a jr. from north texas looking to pursue a doctorate in law. I was wondering what kind of extracurriculars everyone else is in, and/or suggest being in.

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3 answers

3 years ago[edited]

I know this is the obvious answer, but if Mock Trial is offered at your school I would definitely recommend. This was my first year trying it out and I am obsessed. Wish I'd discovered it earlier! I love it because it's a mix between acting and arguing (two guilty pleasures) and you absolutely learn more about law and the legal system (I mean, it is what it says it is, a mock trial.....you break down a provided case and then act as an attorney (a defendant or plaintiff) in front of an actual judge, just as a lawyer would.) It is also offered at many colleges so if it is something you enjoy you could stick with it past high school. And of course, like @AspenWoods was saying, to be a good lawyer you need public speaking skills, so anything along those premises would benefit you later on. This is especially true when whatever club it is encompasses persuasive speech (like debate team) because that is a key skill lawyers use. It could also include anything to do with writing or critical thinking skills (you've got to be "good with words" and know how to analyze a situation to find connections and come to a conclusion.)

3 years ago

I am thinking about getting a law degree as well, and I am currently a junior. I started Mock Trial my freshman year and am now a captain, joined the debate team my sophomore year and did congressional debate this year, and joined the speech team this year. I'm also in NHS and on student council.

I recommend Mock Trial to everyone, but especially people looking to go into law. You get an (although limited) understanding of the legal system. In my state, most teams have attorney coaches which allows you to network a little bit and ask about what it's really like to be a lawyer.

Other than that, you should tailor your high school extracurriculars for what you want to study as an undergraduate. Law schools care a lot more about how you did in college than high school. Speech and Debate are great to show commitment and better your argument and public speaking skills.

Good luck!

3 years ago

Depending on what type of law you want to go into can also help determine the activities you do. Like for example, I am part of the leadership committee for my school's social justice and racial equity group as I want to go into that aspect of law.

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