11 months ago

AP Classes

I want to attend one of the top schools like in the top 10's, if I want to make myself stand off to others should I take 3-4 hard ap courses or start it of with 2-3 easy/medium ap courses in my freshman year of high school.

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11 months ago

Hey there @Shreyansh19837!

I just finished my freshman year of high school, and at my school, we're not allowed to take any APs our freshman year so we can best acclimate to the high school climate. If your school offers honors courses, I would suggest taking a few with maybe one AP. Overloading yourself in your first year of high school won't look good if you can't keep up with the workload and stress, especially with increased extracurricular activities, clubs, and obligations that high school brings. Focus on taking classes that challenge you but aren't impossible. Good luck!

🎤11 months ago

Can you recommend me some decent AP classes for my freshman year but not very easy classes because I can't get into a ivy league then.

11 months ago

It all depends on what your school offers for freshman. Some APs that are generally regarded as being fairly easy are AP Psychology, AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, and AP Macroeconomics. I've never taken any, but from a quick google search, these ones seem to be pretty common for freshman or sophomores to take.


11 months ago

I feel like a lot of this would also depend on what major you’re interested in. AP’s do look good especially if you do good in the class/on the exam, however if you’re loading up on things that are irrelevant to what you want to major in, and you don’t do as good in those courses, there isn’t as much point in taking them. A different commenter suggested one or two AP’a to start freshman year and I agree with that, and make sure they interest you so you are not investing time in a course you don’t like whilst you’re still becoming acclimated to high school.


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