11 months ago

Do I really need Debate Club??

I am an upcoming Junior and somewhat interested in being a lawyer. I’ve talked with other students from different schools that have debate clubs and they all say it’s important to take part in. However my school doesn’t have a debate club or anything close to one. I was wondering if it’s really that important to be involved in debate and if so how should I go about starting one for my school.

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3 answers

11 months ago

I had the same problem! My school doesn't offer a mock trial club, so I joined another school's club. In most districts, if your school doesn't offer a club or an activity, then they will let you choose another school in the district to do the cub at. While doing debate or mock trial isn't essential to pursuing the law, I definitely gained a lot of skills and knowledge from the experience. I would recommend trying it if the law is something you are passionate about. Hope that helps!

11 months ago

No because your school doesn't offer it and colleges will give u more of a chance if a certain thing isn’t offered at your school. Open up to other things besides law related clubs because they like open minded people.

11 months ago

Well debate is important, but as for club... it depends. Usually, many students are interested in going to law school (whether to be a lawyer or a judge) will petition to teachers for a club like that. Debate club is highly recommended in my school (mainly for 11th and 12th) regardless of your major. So I mean if you think you need it to present better cases, ask a teacher, the principal, an advisor etc. about starting a club. To start a club, you need less thinking, more action/talking. I think this is easy if you're aspired to become a lawyer as you need to defend your client to the judges. It is similar abiding by the school rules to start discussing to the superiors to initiate a club. However, it ultimately comes down to whether others have convinced you enough to start one. This is just my opinion, take it as a grain of salt.

However, as for Debate club, I would recommend to anyone with plans of going to any major, it will come in handy especially if you're in 11th/12th.

Kind regards,

SilverDragon (10th-rising 11th, Class of 2025, Japan).

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