11 months ago

Graduating requirement question

I look at my transcript. It's says that I have 22.50 credits and I need 24.00 to graduated. That means I can graduate early in my senior year and how many classes do I need in my senior year?

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11 months ago

As other commentors have said, while you could technically graduate early with the number of credits you will have, specific course requirements might make that impossible. Most schools require four credits/four years of English and Math, as well as three years of laboratory science. Furthermore, many schools have requirements about clubs, sports, and electives that couldn't be achieved in a shorter amount of time. The best thing you could do if you want to graduate early is to check with a guidance counselor, a college counselor, or the principal of your school to see if graduating early would even be possible. If it is, it may not even be worth it. Graduating early would give you less time to get recommendation letters, write essays, and take standardized tests if you also want to apply to college early, so it may be more work than it's worth.

🎤11 months ago

Does Dual enrollment will works out in this situation?

11 months ago

You could take some Dual Enrollment classes during your senior year, yes.


11 months ago

Hi! This is a difficult question to answer due to lack of information.

My school also has a graduation requirement of 24.00 credits of which I've completed 18.00 by the time I finished sophomore year (now). I'm planning to get to 25.00 credits by the time I finish junior year.

HOWEVER, here's the thing. It's very difficult to graduate high school early. This is because there are specific requirements, such as 4.0 credits for English, etc.

4.0 credits required for English would mean you need to take 4 full years worth of English (e.g. English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12).

In my school here is the breakdown for graduation requirements:

1. English 4.0 credits

2. Math 4.0 credits (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and one other math course that is not Pre-Algebra).

3. Philosophy 4.0 credits

4. Science 3.0 credits (Biology, Chemistry, and one other science).

5. Social Studies 3.0 credits (U.S. History or Japanese History required in 11th, Government (0.5 credits) and Economics (0.5 credits) required in 12th)

6. Japanese 2.0 credits (There can be exceptions to foreign students in which case must take 2 credits of foreign language, must be the same language for both credits.)

7. P.E. (0.5 credits) and Health (0.5 credits)

8. Fine Arts (1.0 credit)

9. Electives (2.0 credits)

Total = 24.00 credits

However, if there are not any specific requirements like my high school, then to finish early you MUST take semester courses ONLY (worth 0.5 credits each to finish by the end of the first semester). And since you need 24.00-22.50=2.50 more credits to graduate you need to take 2.50/0.5 = 5 semester classes. If your school doesn't offer semester long courses, then you're screwed for graduating early.

But don't skip your senior year early. I would say never. Here's the thing. This is the last moments of your high school so cherish it rather than just throwing it all away. I would say the only years worth skipping are sophomore and/or junior year.


SilverDragon (10th-rising 11th, Class of 2025, Japan).

🎤11 months ago

My school is virtual school so the elective are short while the core classes are longer so I don't think that graduating early is beneficial but what about dual enrollment, should I take college level course to feel more challenged enough in order to be more familiar with the work in university?

11 months ago

Of course! Any AP, IB, and/or college courses (dual enrollment), you should take as long as it's not a huge overload for you. Good luck!


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