8 months ago

Help me with my major and extracurriculars

I'm a junior and I'm having some trouble with my major and the extracurriculars to do as well. I'm very interested in a STEM major, I love chemistry, biology, and math and I really excel in those subjects. I want to be some sort of engineer or scientist, but not one that involves a heavy amount of physics. I originally thought of biochemistry, but I have heard that it doesn't really involve much chemistry. What should I choose? Also, what extracurriculars should I do to coordinate with that? I was thinking about doing mock trial because it sounds fun, but I also need some STEM related stuff.

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8 months ago

What kind of clubs does your school offer? Are there any human or biomedical classes you can take? I know people who reach out to hospitals or even professors at the nearby community college (take one class over your summer and see how that goes the professor also gives you advice on internships and extracurriculars). I did mock trial and another club at my school like two years ago freshman year but what really matters to schools is grades and internships a bit try and get one I think junior year spring or summer is the best time to do so ngl

🎤8 months ago

I'm not really sure I'm sorta new at my school so I still don't know the clubs yet but I'll definitely try to get some internships thank you!


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