8 months ago

Community College and UC's

Hey, everyone! I have a current 2.6 GPA overall for high school (didn't try in freshman year...), and I was considering going to my local cc for the first two years straight after high school. Another plus is the saving money aspect. I want to get into UCI or CSLB after I'm done. Should I apply before hand and request a transfer if accepted, or wait until after my time at cc is done?

How can I improve my college applications? I want to stand out amongst thousands, but I'm not even sure what I want career wise yet. There's just so many options!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

Hi, great question! Community college is a great way to save money and end up at the college of your dreams. I would suggest you apply after your time at the community college, to show the schools you have greatly improved in learning. A's and B's in college, even a community college, is a great achievement. Have you also considered a public state school? Many state schools have high acceptance rates (98%) and low tuition (sometimes lower than cc). For example one of my state schools admits almost anyone, and is very generous with tuition (covers all/most of it).

To improve your application while in CC, I would recommend doing activities you are passionate about. Join a club, become an officer, play an intramural sport (even if its just a club sport), and develop a good relationship with professors is also very important, those relationships can lead to so many opportunities (jobs, internships, etc.). Be active in campus life and volunteer. Sometimes community colleges also have honors programs that can help you stand out. Steady improvement and dedication can really help.

Good luck!!

(p.s I'm not just pulling this out of a hat, one of my parents is a professor, and the other an admissions officer)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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