10 months ago

Do colleges really care about attendance?

I have straight A's and I've been taking Honors, AP, and Dual Credit classes. I plan on going to college for music - I play clarinet. But I have pretty bad attendance (I was absent 24 days last year). It's not because I'm going out and partying or anything, I'm just sleeping in after staying up late doing homework or reading. The way I see it, as long as I am able to keep up in my classes, get good grades, and play clarinet well, my attendance doesn't matter that much. Will my attendance make it a lot harder for me to get into a good college?

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10 months ago[edited]

I don’t think it matters. It doesn’t show up on my transcript and I’ve never heard it being a problem with some of my friends who have gotten into great schools.

🎤10 months ago

That's good to know. At my school, attendance is shown on every student's transcript, but it's just in a little section underneath where GPA is put. Anyway, it must not be too important if some schools don't put it on your transcript at all.


10 months ago

How does attendance affect your grades or appear on your record? Attendance policy varies by school, if you got disciplinary action or it significantly impacted your grades it won't look good. And the reason for your absence doesn't matter unless it's circumstances out of your control (tragedy, sickness, etc.), colleges won't care if you were partying or staying up doing homework as that's your responsibility.

🎤10 months ago

It's not bad enough to impact my grades or get disciplinary action like that. All the days I was absent show up on my transcript, though. I know that some people try to have perfect attendance, but is having kind of bad attendance something that college admissions care about enough to overlook my 4.0 GPA? I also think that this may be different for music majors since auditions carry a lot of weight.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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