6 months ago

What should I be doing junior year to better my college app?

I'm a first generation student, and tbh I'm a little bit lost and unsure of what I should be doing to better my college apps. Or what I should really be doing as far as my classes go. I'm planning on majoring in mechanical engineering or music. And im currently in band and taking a robotics course my school offers. I'm taking pre Calc next quarter / semester (yea my school is on a quarter system but point is ill be taking pre Calc basically after winter break) but idk what else I should be doing. Im also still trying to get the ropes on the whole admissions and process so if anyone has tips or suggestions please send. Advice and suggestions needed 🧍‍♂️

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1 answer

6 months ago

Hi! My big, general tips that go for everyone is to keep your grades up and keep participating and getting involved in extracurriculars you enjoy that are genuinely meaningful. If you are planning to take the SAT/ACT, my tips are to study to bring your score up! Make SAT practice tests a part of your study routine.

Start by researching colleges that match your academic and extracurricular interests, as well as your preferences for factors like location, campus size, financial aid opportunities. price, etc. When you do decide which schools you want to apply for keep in the back of your mind the requirements to apply, like recommendation letters, essays, resumes' etc. As a fellow junior I personally keep a "resume" of things I do/participate/accomplish that I think might be important, and I'm also compiling a list of who I may ask for recommendations and the timeline for it, which I'll be taking care of over the summer. I highly recommend you do both!

And also reach out to your school guidance counselor when you have questions about possible opportunities, college fairs in your area, questions, etc. Though this isn't the only reason you should speak with them ofc, you may have to ask them for a recommendation so it'd be helpful if they know you personally. If needed, request letters from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths and personal qualities.

Do your research into things like FAFSA and the CSS, the SSAR, deadlines for financial aid and admissions. Be aware of application deadlines for each college and submit your applications on time. Early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling admission are common application options with varying rules and deadlines.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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