6 months ago

Junior Year!

Hey!! So i was just wondering if anyone had any advice? i kind of was not thinking of my future during my freshman and sophomore years and i struggle really bad with procrastination and not to mention my work schedule is so crazy. I just need advice to get my grades up, and how do you keep a schedule going if your homeschooled? Also! if your homeschooled aswell, and youd like to be friends that would be great!

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6 months ago

I am homeschooled, too!! I am a junior as well :) Homeschooling requires you to discipline yourself to be diligent. I am not perfect, but something that helps me is to have a goal- a big goal- and work with that goal in mind. I want to start a business after college, and b/c of that, I want to pay for college with merit scholarships so I have no debt. This requires me to be dedicated to my studies. However, homeschooling also gives you the freedom to explore your passions early (mine being horticulture/floral design). This has allowed me to take floral classes and essentially begin my career! What are you interested in as far as careers go? It's cool that high schoolers can connect over chats like this! It's hard to find fellow homeschoolers sometimes. What state are you in?

6 months ago

And of course we could be friends :)

🎤6 months ago

I am in Al! And im trying to go into nursing! but i have not a clue what kind of interests or what i could even do for that, i also dont feel like i ever have time to do anything because i am so behind in school due to the fact i have literally no self discipline. Youre so right, homeschooling really has disconnected me from others my age and that can get a little depressing. if you have snap or something i can add you if youd like!

6 months ago

Unfortunately, I am not on any social media platforms...

6 months ago

That is so cool! I am also going to major in nursing. I have talked with some nurses and doctors, and they have advised me to try volunteering at a hospital. I would recommend this for you as well because it can give you a good idea of what it is like and what the job requirements would be like, both physically and mentally. Just make sure to search up the requirements for volunteering at the hospital you want, because there are often age restrictions and necessary forms and vaccinations.

If you are struggling with finding other people your age to hang around, I would advise you to get more involved with your community. You could try community service or volunteering where you live, but most of the time you can find people your own age and build a sense of connection with your city or town. You could even find your passion when you volunteer, and it also looks good on your resume.

Homeschooling groups are also great to join! Homeschoolers struggle the most with social interaction, but having a community is always beneficial. It is also nice to meet other people your own age in these groups as well.

Keep on trying and putting yourself out there! Always challenge yourself socially and find ways to socialize, as this helped me :)


6 months ago

Hi! It is so cool to meet new homeschoolers as I am one myself.

Procrastination is something everyone struggles with. Something that helps me stay on track is having a schedule. This could be kept on a calendar, a planner, or in your head. I would recommend writing down what you want to accomplish on a daily or weekly planner so that you can plan ahead and portion out time for all the things you need to do. Just remind yourself of what you need to accomplish and how long it will take. Another good motivator for me is the idea that if I finish all my work for that week, I can spend more time doing the things I love, such as hobbies and things that interest me.

I hope this helps!

6 months ago

Yeah, planners are super helpful as a homeschooler. I make a daily list of to-do's (school and non-school) and this helps propel me! And yes, fun hobbies are great motivations! Just out of curiosity, are you aware of any online homeschool activities/groups?


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