10 months ago


I'm struggling in classes because I tend to procrastinate and work after school until 10, I need help fixing this issue.

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@chjutdaebi10 months ago

i also struggle with procrastination and it usually helps me to set easy-to-manage goals and reward myself for meeting them. it could also help to plan out what you need to work on beforehand :)

@ratketyree6 months ago [edited]

When I create simple, attainable goals and treat myself when I reach them, I am much less likely to put things off till later. It can be beneficial to identify your areas of improvement in advance as well gorilla tag

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5 answers

10 months ago

As someone who is an absolute procrastinator I totally feel you. I’ll tell you some of the things that help me when I’m procrastinating that I have seen help me do substantially better in class.

1. Whenever I start an assignment, I set a timer based on how long I think it should take. I set it on my phone, put my phone away, and try to finish the assignment in that time (It’s a little helpful because it’s almost like a race :) ) and I will not get my phone back or take a break until the timer goes off. This limits distractions

2. I try and plan out my schedule of completing homework. I put times and orders for when I will do my assignments or study for which test/quiz and I stuck to that schedule (I even schedule breaks in there so I’m not torturing myself.

3. Changing your environment is also very helpful. I notice that staying in the same place for a long time causes productivity to drop. So I switch around where I do my work; it helps me stay on task.

I hope these help with both procrastination and productivity. Best of luck!

10 months ago

Try planners or reminders or complete it as soon as it's assigned that way it'll be out of the way. :)

10 months ago

I feel like having a routine could help you stop procrastinating as you will be organized on what you have to do, and maybe cut down on working until 10. I used to work till 10-11 last year and I wasn't doing so good. Soo I would definitely do some different hours so you stop procrastinating so much.

10 months ago

I to used to procrastinate as well. But I tried using Pomodoro technique to reduce my habit.

In this, you make different sessions of 40 minutes or less and take break for 5 to 10 minute. Try this. It'll help you.

10 months ago

I like to have a schedule, especially after school. I usually shower first to get all the gross school air and germs off and it helps me have a better mindset when I start my homework. But I do part of my homework before dinner and then part of it after and the rest of the night I use for myself.

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