Hi everyone, I hope everything is going well!! I've been reading a lot of the remarks on this page about extracurricular activities, and I want to intervene with the conversation. As high school students, we shouldn't shape all of our educational choices around what we think a prestigious school wants from us. Rather, we should pursue what WE want to achieve in high school, regardless of how good it looks on an application. I think that instead of constricting ourselves to what is deemed "college-acceptable" as a society, we need to expand our horizons and take risks to discover new opportunities. I want to be a neuroscientist, and yet, as I near the end of high school, I'm realizing that cross country, political advocacy, and jazz band gigs are the true activities that define who I am as a person. I worked a marine trades job over the summer, and I'm not afraid to put it at the top of my activity list. I'm not scrambling to add a Brown University research internship to my college resume before the application season begins, and you don't need to either! As long as you stay passionate about the things you enjoy, you will be on track for a great future.
Best of luck for the rest of the school year!!
That is so profound and helpful for me right now. Just the other day, I was obsessing over the fact that I really don't have a very good extracurricular list, and what I'm going to have to force into my life to make the list perfect. Now I'm going to focus on what I want, and can, add to my list for the experience and not the application. Thank you!
This is so true!!!
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