6 months ago


I am very very very easily overwhelmed and my schedule is filled with AP, dual credit, and honors classes, but I'm wondering if I'm participating in enough extracurricular activities?

I go to a magnet high school for the arts and I major in band (I play clarinet). I've made a lot of accomplishments with music that I could brag about but I won't because no one cares. Idk if these count as extracurriculars but I'm also taking a ceramics class at my school and I've been taking Japanese classes at my school for 3 years (まだ日本語が下手ww)

I'm also (technically) a member of NHS, but I have not done anything to get volunteer hours since like last year for no reason other than I am lazy and I hate leaving my house. they're going to kick me out unless I can get 10 hours of volunteering before December 10 (I have 0 rn, but I am considering volunteering at a cat cafe nearby. but I probably won't even do that because I need to get straight As or else my mother will say that I'm wasting my life.))

I was also trying to set up an activist organization at my school with the help of some people from students for a democratic society (go check new SDS out they're cool:)) but that also fell through because I lack motivation and I already have a ton of stuff to focus on with my classes and my social battery dies super quickly and I don't have any friends. I might try again in my senior year, though.

But yeah anyways. Should I do more stuff!!?!?! I can't afford any of my dream colleges even if I did get into them tbh so I feel like this is all for nothing :,)

(PS I am currently procrastinating doing Japanese homework, history homework, and English homework. Please can someone tell me to do my homework because I refuse to listen to my brain)

Participate in more extracurricular activities
You have enough
Worry about this later, do your homework rn (correct option)
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6 months ago[edited]

Do your hw. BUT..

You are going to need more considering that you are only in NHS currently. The stuff you listed in the first paragraph don't count as extracurricular, but they still do look good on the college applications. I would actually expand your accomplishments with music, because showing any accomplishment in general is good, especially with instruments because that involves a lot of commitment. If you tell me what you want to major in college, I can give you more advice

6 months ago

I agree; list those music accomplishments! Colleges want well-rounded students who get good grades AND have other interests in music, language, and other.

🎤6 months ago

I'm pretty sure I'm going to major in music since that's the path of least resistance and I sort of like it. Ofc I will tell college admissions about my musical accomplishments, but I just didn't want to bore the people reading this post lol

6 months ago[edited]

My best friend wants to major in music. So I'm giving you advice based on my opinion, her extracurriculars, and google. (Tbh, mostly an article from CollegeVine)

1) Join a band, orchestra, or choir. If you can, join a group outside the school as well. I have a different friend (I have lots of friends into music lol) who sings for her church. Idk if you sing but that's just an example

2) Join a music summer program. Colleges love this. It shows that you have interests I music, and it shows that you had experiences, and possibly learned from people in the field.

3) you can try finding a teaching volunteer thing. Maybe you can teach little kids about music and stuff, or volunteer at a music summer camp for kids

4) record your own music, and maybe make an album. My best friend plays piano and sings and has a youtube channel. Maybe you can make a channel for your clarinet? (I played clarinet for a couple of years in elementary school and learned a lot from youtube.)

5) My bestfriend is also in the music Honors society, idk if they have it at your school but that does look good on the college resume

6) Join more music clubs in your school, or make your own music club!

Ok, this list seems alright enough. If anyone else has something to add and has more experience, please do so cause I'm nerdy for computer science lol, the people with more experience with music might have more to say.

🎤6 months ago

1) Yes, I'm in my school's top band and an audition-based orchestra outside of school where I play with college students. I was also in a jazz band in my freshman year and I was in one of my school's orchestras in my freshman and sophomore years. I've played in more musical ensembles than I can remember tbh

2) I did many summer music programs and band camps. I actually traveled to a different state this summer to go to an international festival for my instrument, where I went to clinics and concerts and performed in a clarinet choir

3) this is a good idea. I was already thinking about volunteering to teach clarinet lessons to middle schoolers, and my mom is actually a music teacher so she could help me with that

4) this is also a good idea, but recording myself stresses me out and I don't have a lot of time right now. Maybe I will try over the summer?

5) we don't have a music honor society, but we have our own thing called band council which is basically a student council just for the band lol. I might try running for a position next year, but the elections already are over for this school year

6) There aren't any music clubs at my school because the whole school is a music and arts school. We all have a block period for a class that we major in, which could be band, orchestra, mariachi, jazz, choir, dance, theater, visual arts, digital art, photography, film, and a few more I think. More than half of the people at my school are music majors, so a music club at my school would be redundant imo

This was pretty helpful, thanks!!

6 months ago



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