6 months ago


im currently a junior and while i have good grades/a high gpa and plan on starting to study for the SAT soon, i dont have any extracurriculars and those are really important in getting into a good college. im scared it might be too late. does anyone have any advice? im lowkey freaking out lol.

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6 months ago

What you can do for ECs really depends on your interests and intended major.

What do you like to do? What do you want to do in the future?

For example, if you are interested in biology you can join STEM clubs, make a social media account on biology for education or entertainment, tutor peers or younger students in biology, you can join STEM comps, do a passion project (ex: planting trees to improve your environment around you using ecological knowledge that you have), or research.

You can also use hobbies you already do as ECs. If you read you can mention how many books you read and make one of your personal statements about what you learned or developed from your reading.

The examples are limitless as long as you can say you learned or developed from an activity you can mention as an EC.

🎤6 months ago

my biggest hobby and what i want for the future are completely unrelated though 💀 my hobby is makeup and what i want to do in the future is to be a lawyer so idk.

6 months ago

Well, you can still use that hobby but maybe not as your first choice. I mean if you spend a lot of time on make-up you can say you do it for creativity which is important for a lawyer. But most importantly you need to do activities that have proof that you did it and a passion behind it. Can you do any law internships or anything related to law, like volunteering for small law firms?

6 months ago

Also, self-study can be considered as an extracurricular I am sure there are a lot of courses on platforms like Coursera and edX on law-related things.

🎤6 months ago

oh i can look for some, thank youu !!!

🎤6 months ago

ohhh ok thats good

5 months ago



6 months ago

Hi @httpsmarii, First of all, don't panic :) It isn't too late to try some ECs. Most schools have lots of clubs you can join and volunteering/community service you can contribute to. Also, a lot of people down play their hobbies but the truth is that if you've spent extensive time on any hobby/activity/interest, it is an extracurricular. Sometimes languages and music can count, too. If you have any questions about what counts, don't hesitate to ask!

🎤6 months ago

did my replies to this go through?? just asking because i dont see them


🎤6 months ago

^like any advice on what i should do in terms of ec's


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