8 months ago

I’m not sure if I’m doing good at school

I barely started going back to school but I have peers who go above and beyond and I’m wondering if I should start doing better. I have a 4.2 weighted gpa and a 3.7 unweighted I’ve taken 5 college classes over the past 3 years but when I took the psat in October I got a 1040. Am I doing ok? Should I take any extra curricular activities since I only have NHS and upward bound.

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8 months ago

What kind of university are you interested in? Know that Ivies are not always the best fit- even if you are an amazing student. For myself, I know that a lower school will suit me better because I want to get a specfic type of hands-on training in horticulture. I could go to a more academically challenging school but it will not prepare me as well for my future career. Consider what you enjoy and in what environment you personally would be happy. It's ok if your dream is to attend an Ivy but know that you will have to work hard to reach that and it may be more stress. I know that some students find they do not enjoy Ivy environment and end of transferring elsewhere after all the stress they put on themselves in high school-it can be very discouraging. These are all things to consider. Let me know if you have questions. Also, reply (if you know) what schools you desire to aim for. Hope this helps!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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