8 months ago

Choosing a certain path

I am a Junior in Highschool. I am stuck in a dilemma of deciding if I should go to a Tech school and get a trade and earn some money almost as a side, which my high school will pay for. Or go to a university for a degree that I like. It is a difficult decision and just not trying to regret a decision. Another thing that adds more weight to my decision is that I am applying for a scholarship that will pay for 2 years' worth of tuition.

@Jael_S2388 months ago

Just FYI I think you accidently posted this twice. I recommend deleting the other post- some students on here notice when other students double post and give it negative votes, which are subtracted from your Karma. So I highly recommend deleting the OTHER post :)

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
8 months ago

How likely are you to win that scholarship? Also, are finances a big deciding portion of your college education?

If so, Tech school is not the only way to earn side money. You can get other part-time jobs. I know a lot of seniors arrange their classes so they aren't at school all day and can work in the morning or schedule so they can work a day or 2 a week. I recommend a summer job as well. If you have financial need, colleges will likely offer some financial aid. If you do not qualify, merit scholarships are another route.

If it is at all possible, I recommend waiting to make this decision until you hear word from the scholarship and if you received it or not. If not, then I would research both the tech school options (what jobs you would be trained for, would you enjoy it? Is it worth your time?) AND what careers your university degree could lead to (ask same questions). I recommend making a column for each and writing down both options' pros and cons. Then consider it carefully and make sure you talk to other people (friends, hs counselor, parents if able)--don't let them decide for you, but hearing other people's advice and what they think may make you happiest can be helpful in drawing out things you hadn't considered or thought of.

If you have any more questions, lmk!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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