14 days ago

is this enough for IU

I am a sophomore with an unweighted GPA of around 3.6, am aiming for 4 honors 5 AP classes, will be Varsity tennis and Varsity track and field, PSAT score of 1160 and will be aiming for a 1300 on the SAT. I plan to apply to Indiana University, Bloomington. It says I have a 97% chance of acceptance, but is this really enough? And I am also curious on how hard the following AP classes will be: AP Lang, AP US history, AP Biology, AP Environmental science, AP World history. (These are the classes I plan to take.) I'm pretty good at ELA and pretty mediocre at math.

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Accepted Answer
13 days ago

97% acceptance rate is amazing, I wouldn't be worried. If anything, that's going to be a safety school for you because you are definitely going to get in. Don't stress.

APUSH and AP World History are some of the toughest APs (in my opinion), especially if you're not good at history. They also tend to include a lot of writing and a lot of homework, along with great reading comprehension skills. AP Bio also includes a lot of work, a lot of in-depth understanding, but it's definitely not harder than Physics or Chem. AP Environmental Science isn't considered too difficult, definitely an easier science AP (not too sure about the test since I don't know anyone who's taken it, but from what I've heard it's not bad). AP Lang isn't considered difficult at all, and since you said you're good at ELA you should be all right. There's a lot of writing involved though.

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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