4 years ago
Paying for College


Hey everyone, I am a senior in high school and I was wondering if there is any scholarships that are still open? What website do you use to find these scholarships? Any scholarship is welcomed.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hi! I am a senior in a similar situation, and I've found and used a few websites that can help. They include Peterson's, Fastweb, and Bold.org. These sites help you find scholarships based on your inputted criteria, including state, college, etc. A few websites provide monthly raffle-like scholarships, including Niche and Nitrocollege, though these are a lot harder to win with so many people entering. Those first three should help you find at least a few, and you can always apply for more scholarships during college. I hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hey! I recommend using ScholarshipOwl! Although you do have to pay for a membership, it is really affordable and their platform is great! Your matches are based on your profile. They have filters such as the number of applicants applied for each scholarship, and etc. If you are worried about scholarship scams, don't worry! They filter out the scam in their database. It is definitely worth checking ScholarshipOwl! Access Scholarship is another website that includes scholarships, they even have a blog about scholarships you can apply to as a senior! There are different scholarships every month that you can apply to. You should also look at your high school website and see if they include any sites for scholarships you applied to. I hope this helps!

4 years ago

Hi! Most of the time you can find scholarship information on your school district's website. It will include class-specific scholarships that apply to your school. Hope this helps!

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