3 years ago
Paying for College


Where can I apply for scholarships other than collegevine and collegeboard? And how can I apply to a scholarship that would pay for all of my college education?


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6 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi! The majority of your scholarships, especially those that give large amounts, will be from the school you attend. That is how you would get a full-ride scholarship that would pay for your whole education, most of the time is applying for merit and need-based aid directly from the college you will attend, during the admission process, and after you get in. A good scholarship website is bold.org, but also look up state, county, and city-specific scholarships for your area, the rotary club, the lions club, and other community organizations often have scholarships that are focused on your area that you have a higher likelihood of winning. If your school has a college counselor, more often than not they will have a list of local scholarships for you to apply to. Best of luck!

3 years ago

Those would be full ride scholarships. Most of the ones I've seen are for juniors and require you to be the best of the best. Since they are usually from private organizations to apply you would have to apply on each of their websites. You could try googling full ride scholarships with something that applies to you to look for some. For example you could try full ride scholarships for first Gen students.

3 years ago

I would focus your time and energy on applying to local scholarships. There are a few national scholarships that pay big amounts (such as the Cameron Impact Scholarship, which is full tuition at any school of your choice; the Coolidge Scholarship, same; the FootLocker Scholarship, $20,000; etc.). However, these scholarships are extremely selective. I had much more success applying to local scholarships. They are for smaller amounts, but it's much more likely that you'll get them and they add up. Ask your school counselor if they know of any local scholarships, and if they don't, do an internet search. Also, just like @ccrowe said, you can get a lot of money from the school you attend. Hope that helps!

3 years ago

There is a website called scholarship owl

3 years ago[edited]

Yeah, I think just googling and researching for scholarships would be useful. There are a ton of private scholarships on google and lots of organizations/ companies offer them. For example, NHS has a senior only scholarship available and there is the Cocoa- cola scholars scholarship for seniors as well. Also, for full-ride scholarships you apply around the end of your junior year and/or the beginning of your senior year. If you are a senior it might be a little late for full-ride scholarships, but if you are a junior looking on google and on websites of organizations like NHS' would definitely help. You can also find scholarships listed on your high school's website most of the time, so maybe look around the school website to see. I know that some high schools have a whole list of them for seniors to apply to in the first semester. The best scholarships are also given or referred to you by teachers and/or counselors so ask them as well.

3 years ago


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