3 years ago
Paying for College

Scholarship websites

Where are some other websites I can find scholarships? I'm looking for those that aren't a scam and won't steal my information.

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@lvccham3 years ago

I am not quite sure, but I would love to know if someone replies to this comment with an answer.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi @collegev

There are many resources out there but a few places I would ask for you to check out is first Bold.org a well-known website that has many scholarships for people based on what their plans are as well as Experts who look at the profile you build and contact you for any opportunities they have. Second is Fastweb they have many different scholarships that are tailored to you personally based on your profile and high school information. They have many good competitions that you can get money from with the most famous the Self-Research Project where you can earn 250,000 if you get first place. Lastly, I would check out your community as there are a lot of people who might be willing to help you find or be a part of your scholarship process. Good Luck!!! Hope this helps.

3 years ago


I would say the Scholastic Writing and Art Scholarships, because those are actually good and give a ton of money. All you have to do is create a writing or art piece (and they have many different categories for you to choose from). Also, seeing as it's been going on for over 100 years, I think it has a legit reputation for itself.

Also, Google Doodles hold scholarships every year for kids to draw designs of the Google sign for thousands of dollars.

Also, check within your local community to see if they are any small local scholarships, because any amount of money allows helps.

-Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Bold.org !!

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