3 years ago
Paying for College

Applying for financial aid beyond the deadline date

I was too insecure to apply for scholarships earlier but now the guilt trip of not trying is riding me crazy. Is there a chance of getting financial aid without any focused extracurricular activity but with good academic scores? I am planning to sit for the SAT in March. If I apply for spring 2023 will that be considered as a 1 year gap?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Is this for financial aid or scholarships? Also are you a senior or junior? I would apply for financial now if you are a senior, through the FASFA and CSS, you did not need SAT scores. A lot of scholarships do not require SAT scores as well. Many do not even require focused extracurriculars or academic transcripts. Lots just involve writing an essay! What do you mean by if you apply for spring 2023?

3 years ago

Hello! There are some scholarship websites that should be available to you through your state or school. You could sign up for Bold.org where you just fill out your information and then you get access to a diverse amount of scholarships and grants!

Link: https://bold.org/scholarships/bold-org-top-friend-scholarship/nomination/#find-valuable-financial-aid-awards-for-school-upcoming-deadlines

Bold.org will even allow you to see if your chosen college will offer you specific scholarships. They have tons of No-Essay scholarships which I recommend to you. No-essay scholarships have a wide range of qualifications but only require you to sign up. Make sure to keep your profile very bold because many students sign up. Beware though, you should hunt for scholarships that fit you, and remember any extracurricular activity counts. Also, it's completely free! Bold also awards student just for having good grades. (So don't worry about not having focused extracurricular activity.)

If you still just want to focus on good academic scores try Raise.me

Link: https://www.raise.me/i/kaysan136

You still connect to your schools, the status of your application, and they award you scholarship points for every good grade you've ever gotten.

As for the 1 year gap, I would ask your school guidance counselor. If you explain that you took the time to build tuition then it might be okay.

Good luck!!

3 years ago

you can get money from taking the SAT, so study hard and try to get a high score. :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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