3 years ago
Paying for College

How to pay for college without lingering college loans

I'm in my junior year and am starting to consider colleges. I don't think any contributions will be made from my parents so I'm mostly relying on loans, scholarships, financial aid, and grants. Is there a way to get a lot of money put towards college that won't leave me drowning in debt after I've graduated.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

If your family is low income, you may be eligible for a good amount of financial aid. You could see how much aid you would be eligible by using information from your families taxes on net price calculators (which colleges are required to have on their websites).

Some schools offer automatic merit scholarships depending on standardized test scores, GPA, or national merit qualification. Depending on your stats throughout high school, this may be something worth considering.

In addition to both financial and merit aid, institutional or outside scholarships can help in paying for college as well. Information on institutional scholarships can be found through school websites and outside scholarships can be found a lot of different places online. I’d suggest looking at Unigo and FastWeb for outside scholarship opportunities.

When the time comes, work-study or working part time in college could also help you cover your expenses.

Good luck on the college application process!

3 years ago

There sadly is no hack to getting through college. Focus on upping your grades so you will get more scholarships and financial aid. You could also take a job and start saving up for college. In addition, you can work while in college to minimize costs. Good luck!

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