3 years ago
Paying for College

What websites can I use to apply to scholarships that I will actually have a chance at winning some?

Hi, my name is Aevri. I'm a junior in high school so you know I have to be on top of my college research this year lol. I would like to major in Biology to enter dental school to become an orthodontist after undergraduate school. I've been applying to many scholarships on different websites like Bold.org, Niche, College Board, etc. I know I'm supposed to have patience but I know those are very popular sites and I'm worried if I even have a chance against the thousands of other people applying. Are there any sites I can use that are legit and I'd have a chance of winning a scholarship on?

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4 answers

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3 years ago

Most scholarship websites other than those you mentioned cost money. I also have been applying to those and haven't won any either. I would advise going to the local library or book store and getting one of the scholarship books. Those are very thick and have so many scholarships. I would also recommend asking your vehicle insurance and your parent's health and dental and other insurance companies if they have scholarships (most do) as well as going around to small businesses and ask if they have scholarships. My dad's friend was able to pay for a whole year of college because he asked local businesses about scholarships and was the only person so he won all of them.

3 years ago

"finesseyoureducation" has a good database for scholarships, if you have an advisor you can ask them as well, but if you are a good student you will automatically be put in the running for a lot of merit scholarships at your school and many schools have scholarships you can apply for also.

3 years ago

scholarships.com is a great database

3 years ago

Personally I hateeee applying to scholarships with Bold.org, Niche, College Board, etc. and haven't really looked into many, but on the other hand there's a website called raise me which gives micro scholarships for academics, extracurriculars, etc from different colleges. I warn that some colleges don't provide these micro scholarship opportunities though so I suggest looking around on there

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