2 years ago
Paying for College

How do I get colleges to look at me?

I'm about to be a junior in highschool and I admit, I haven't done so well these last couple of years. I want to raise my gpa enough to where colleges will look at me as a well rounded student. I know I need to pick up the slack and get straight A's but what's another way to get colleges looking my way?

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@Darshan2 years ago

Do some internships and extra-curricular activities related to your major.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I'd suggest getting involved in extracurriculars that you can put on a resume (jobs, clubs, hobbies, etc.)! I saw a lot of people saying that extracurriculars should be stem or related to your major. Community service is also something you can do! Colleges also like leadership roles and those can come from being in a club, managerial position, or being part of the student government.

This is kind of related to grades, but good test scores. You can superscore and focus on studying for individual subjects so use that to your advantage!

This is more of a senior year thing but awesome teacher/counselor recommendations will help as well so don't burn your bridges! (I've heard that you should get at least one STEM teacher recommendation and from personal experience, a lot of people also went for the English teacher lol) I mentioned counselor recommendations because some colleges require that! Also, give them at least 2 weeks notice before the due date!

Having a great college essay is the great finale, something to look forward to submit when you're applying to colleges! So get comfortable with your writing!

Colleges don't look solely at grades! Get your GPA up if you can but remember that it's not all about your GPA. Take care of yourself junior year, I hope this helps put you at ease a little bit!

2 years ago

Many school will look at extra circulars. But also, if you have a leadership role for it. The leadership role shows that you are actually interested and put time and effort into it.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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