2 years ago
Paying for College

How to manage time

How do you manage time with school work and jobs and family and vacations and more school work

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2 answers

2 years ago

So I use a special checklist that has a calendar in it. There, I can record my coursework and when I complete it, write down when I need to work, when I plan to have family time, when we have vacations, when big school projects are due, etc. Further, this checklist had reading and technology lists, where you can write down books to read and technology-based things to do (both for school). It helps keep me organized. It’s customizable year after year. It’s on notconsumed.com. Once you purchase it (in ebook form) you can change it to suit your needs. Then, the publisher sends you a new one for the new year, free of charge! If you need something to help get you organized, I would recommend this checklist.

2 years ago

I'd recommend visually planning out your schedule and seeing what you have planned on what days, like for me I play basketball all year round, and am 1 of 9 with many trips and school visits etc..its best to first focus on your school work make sure that's out the way and get good grades, then id say work try to find a good shift that works best for you. Hope this helped :).

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