2 years ago
Paying for College

What is the best way to pay for college?

Im a freshman in high school and im wondering what is the best way to pay for college.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

You are right to be concerned about this as college has become ridiculously expensive! The answer depends a lot on your (and your parents') financial situation.

There are 2 basic criteria for scholarships and grants (free money) - merit and need. Merit is based on your GPA and test scores, while need looks at the difference between what the government thinks your family can afford to pay vs. the college you pick costs. That creates 4 quadrants (high merit/high need, low merit/high need, high merit/low need, and low merit/low need). If you can place yourself in one of those quadrants, more specific advice can be given.

What I have noticed is that there is far more scholarship money available for need than merit. That isn't to say "don't try to achieve the best grade you can," but it is to let you know that if your need is not high, merit may not go very far. It is certainly no where close to 50-50 from what I have seen. More line 20-80% merit-to-need.

Student loans are available, with many options. If your parents are willing to take student loans, they can essentially borrow up to the full cost for you to attend any college you want. However, they are on the hook for that debt forever.

In sum, you want:

1. Scholarships/grants (free money)

2. Pay out of pocket (your money)

3. Loans (bank money that has a lot of potential issues)

As much as it stinks, you have to consider what your major will be and how much you expect to earn while looking at the cost of college. In an ideal world you study what you want for a reasonable cost, but that is not where we are in the US right now.

2 years ago

There are so many ways to pay for college:

1. Fill out the FAFSA

2. Search for scholarships (This is my personal favorite)

I have also found so many scholarships suiting my need. None of the scholarships I have applied for have needed essays but some may require them. I use bold.com to sign up for scholarships. And best of all you have no limit to how many scholarships you can apply for. https://bold.org/scholarships/bold-org-top-friend-scholarship/nomination/#search-rare-education-scholarship-for-me-deadlines-upcoming

3. Choose an affordable school

4. Use grants if you qualify

5. Get a work-study job

6. Tap your savings

7. TAke out federal loans if you have to

8. Borrow private loans (ONLY IF YOU 100% HAVE TO)

When borrowing private loans you have to pay back a lot more money than you borrowed.


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