2 years ago
Paying for College

how to pay for college?-

so i'm a transgender student, my parents collectively make 73k a year. I want to go to Virginia Tech, or if I'm lucky, NYU. I want to major in creative writing and minor in film, because I want to be a screenwriter. I don't want my parents helping me pay for college because they really don't have the money to lol. I'm hoping to go to college in 2025. how do I pay for this myself on top of trying to transition? i just really need help, i've been starting to lose hope.


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2 answers

2 years ago

If you're the class of 2025, you should 100% fill out FAFSA (and CSS for schools that take it) once you're a senior. Your parents can fill it out themselves if that's easier or they don't want to share their tax information, or you can do it together. FAFSA will determine the offers for federal student aid that you will receive, CSS is non-federal aid and not all colleges take/require it - NYU does though. If you're still dead set on NYU by the time you're doing college apps, I would apply ED because if you're accepted, you'll very likely get an affordable offer even though you'll have to go. Expand your college list, though. Have more target schools, some safeties and reaches. Meanwhile, focus on performing as well as possible in school, scoring high on the SAT (important for NYU), and showing your spike in your extracurricular interests, through joining or starting clubs and looking into selective summer programs.

2 years ago

This CollegeVine blog post has some tips on how you can make college more affordable. Besides following these suggestions, make sure to apply to scholarships as well. I recommend applying for lots of small ones, since they are easier to get and they can add up. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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