a year ago
Paying for College

Trying to go to University of Hawaii at Manoa, Is there anything I should know or opinions on how u would prepare??

I'm a High School Senior with a 3.9 GPA and a U.S citizen. I've pretty much looked at all the school requirements at UH at Manoa and I meet the requirements. I know that there are plenty of other schools that have business, fashion design/merchandising, and marketing. (That's what I'm trying to major in) I just wanted to know what other people's perspective on this and how you would take it from there. I'm also currently applying to some scholarships and will be doing FAFSA. So if there's any other scholarships or anything that will help me, I would appreciate it if you would let me know. Thanks for your time :)

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@Nanaza year ago

You've got an impressive High School GPA, I recommend you to engage in community activities and leadership programs related to your course

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Accepted Answer
a year ago

I would like to try and keep my college options closers to hope to minimize any expenses and to make the most out of scholarship opportunities since many states offer instate grants , I love that your trying to pursue fashion that’s a artistic career, and I bet you could find many art based scholarships because of that. Also try and keep In mind if your a exceptional student you shouldn’t have any problem getting accepted by a college the hard part is paying for it so don’t worry to much about the SAT and ACT but worry about scholarships and essays

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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