8 months ago
Paying for College

Getting a higher GPA/ or test scores like ACT/PACT

Hello! I'm Taylor, 15-year-old male (white). I live in Louisiana which if you already didn't know is the 3rd worst state in public education for the United States. My chances of getting into normal schools like, LSU is not even 60%. My first semester GPA was a 3.01, my second a 2.988. As I am only a freshman, I know I have time, but I have never reached my goals academically, I am on my school's dance team and vice president for my class of 2027. I want to major in either, sports management, art education, or secondary education. Are there any tips?

Hope you all have an amazing day! :)

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@kycov8 months ago

I am also from Louisiana so I understand the struggle LOL

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
8 months ago

Focus on keeping grades up and extracurriculars. Save each set of work you need to do for each designated class, meaning only do the work for the class during its designated time, this will help build the habit of organizing work and schedule and has helped me a ton. Sign up for daring classes as well, even if youre not confident chances are you will do fine, fast paced classes are suprisingly easy to adjust to and starting early will make harder classes down the road a breeze

8 months ago

Do your best in all your classes and get help whenever you are struggling. Know your goals (what GPA, test scores, you are aiming for). Advanced courses can raise your GPA (if your school doesn't offer any, check out your local community college for online classes-normally cheaper for hs students). Begin studying for SAT/ACT the summer before your junior year. Take practice tests periodically to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses-ALWAYS learn from wrong answers, or you will never improve. If there is a specific section you do not do well in, find help, ask for tips, and practice, practice, practice. I went from a 1190 practice SAT to now approx.1400. Collegevine is a great place to ask peers about resources, tips, etc.

Continue to do your best but know that your situation requires a lot of extra dedication. And if you are unable to get into a school like LSU, don't feel badly. A wise move may be to enroll in a community college (local or online) for a semester or two then you can try transferring into schools like LSU. The trick is that requirements for transfer students are much lower than first-year requirements-it has and can make all the difference for some students!

Don't be discouraged-there's always a way to get the education you need. You might just have to put a lot of effort into it! Hope this helps and if you have any more questions, lmk :)

8 months ago

Take Initiative! Read books, study for tests, and use websites like Khan Academy or other online interactive SAT/ACT prep. If you score highly compared to your peers, colleges will notice. The fact that you are already a vice president is really promising. Have some self-confidence! ;)

8 months ago

One way to boost your GPA is by doubling up on classes. What I mean by this is for instance, taking two sciences or two histories. I do not recommend doubling up on English or Math classes, due to the fact that they usually intel more work. However, with this being said do not attempt to double up on classes if you do not think you can manage it. If you already struggle with keeping up as is then ignore this tip.

Another way to boost your GPA is by taking AP or honors classes.

A way to boost your ACT scores is by purchasing a practice book. These are extremely helpful especially if you struggle in the math portion of the test.

Hope this helps <3

8 months ago

Hello! I'm a junior now and I would recommend taking honors or advanced classes to improve your GPA. Since you are a freshman you do have a lot of time to raise your GPA use it to your advantage!!!! I also recommend taking the PSATs next year so you can prepare for your junior and senior years. Also, learn to manage your time I wish I had learned this earlier in high school!!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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