8 months ago
Paying for College

Is There a Full-Ride for University of Houston

Hello! I am currently in high school in Texas, and I will be graduating this year. I plan on majoring in education at the University of Houston. I was wondering how you could apply for a full-ride scholarship at UH or if it is at all possible. I have a 5.94 GPA on a 6-point scale, and I am in the top 10% of my graduating class. I was also a part of band, cosmetology, and many other extracurriculars, volunteered in my free time, and took honors courses along with dual credit. Would these factors help to increase my chances of obtaining a full-ride scholarship?

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1 answer

8 months ago[edited]

Hi, on the U of H website, it says that they have 2 full-ride scholarships, one for Merit Scholarship Finalists and another one called the Tier One Scholarship. Obviously, the Merit Scholarship one is based on your PSAT NMSQT selection index, 221 was the semifinalist score in Texas last year, and if you make it as a finalist after. The Tier One Scholarship, however, says " if you have a 1400 SAT or 30 ACT composite score and rank in the top 10% of your class, you'll improve your chances of moving forward in the selection process" and "Based on the criteria used for the Tier One Scholarship, the average awardee for fall 2022 had a score of 1489 on the SAT (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing + Math) or an ACT Composite of 33, with a class rank in the top 3% and an unweighted core GPA of 3.98. (The unweighted GPA is calculated by the University of Houston using English, math, science and social studies grades.)" You can find all of this information and things I haven't mentioned in the U of H Scholarships page on their website.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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