20 days ago
Paying for College

Scholarships (or other ways of paying for college) for someone who doesn't stand out socially?

Hey everyone!

My mom is very serious about scholarships and puts on a lot of pressure to apply for some. I've applied for the non-essay ones (I know they're impossible to win, I just wanted to lighten the load for a little while).

She's also very heavy on the fact that she will not pay for my college in the slightest. As me being an equestrian pretty much takes up all of what's left of my college fund (no regrets about it though lol).

I'd consider myself a very average student honestly. I'm a sophomore and go to the #2 best school in my state, got a 27 on the PACT, and have a 3.7-3.8 GPA but otherwise I do absolutely nothing so it balances out I guess? Next year I plan on taking 4-5 AP classes, or I'm considering doing dual credit at a college in my city free of charge as it was offered to me. I'll be doing some volunteer work in the summer but otherwise I pretty much go to school, leave, then straight to the barn which I'm not sure if it has any collegiate value. In school I participate in recycling club from time to time. I just don't have any time for any other activities as I'm always at the barn or trying to catch up on homework so I can keep my grades. I don't think there's any scholarships out there that would seriously consider me because of that. As for career choice-wise, I'm VERY interested in anything Neuro. I can talk or learn about it all day, which may give me a one-up? I'm just totally unsure and haven't gotten any help, I just need suggestions and help sorting out my thoughts!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
20 days ago

Hey :)

You are still a strong student! Also, I’m pretty sure the equestrian work you’re doing for your animals on your own is considered an extracurricular, you’d just have to list it. Anyways, a really good non-essay scholarship site is RaiseMe (PLEASE check this one out trust me), but other sites that both have options for no essay or essay scholarships are: Fast web, College Xpress, Scholarships.com, and Scholarship Owl. Also, if you qualify to be a National Merit Finalist because of your PSAT score, then you receive scholarships from that too. Another thing you could do is take AP science classes because of the field you want, you can earn the credits from those. Volunteering at hospitals could also be an option to strengthen your background.

Good luck and I wish you all the best!!

20 days ago

So, there are websites like the ones @Brookemyluv mentioned but there are also Merit Scholarships.

Many colleges offer scholarships based on merit. Basically, if you meet a certain GPA, test score, and sometimes other factors, the college may offer you a fair-sized scholarship. If you know what colleges you are interested in, check out their scholarship info.

Other thought: I don't know, but you may qualify for financial aid. I can't tell if your mom cannot pay for college because of low income or other factors. But you will fill out the FASFA in senior year and then find out if you qualify. I hear of many people assuming they do not qualify and then end up missing out. So make sure you file the FASFA!

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!

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