3 years ago
School List Suggestions


I suck at standardized testing so I don't want to take the SAT or ACT. I want to apply without my testing, should I do it or just take the test?

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3 years ago

My counselor advises you try to take it either way, I believe you do not have to submit your scores if you don't want to but it could look weird to do so. If you can safely take the test and have time to prepare I say try. Even if it is optional it could help if you don't have many things to help them see you as a student.

I am in the same boat and will take it in June so hopefully I do okay. Good luck, go with your gut. If you really feel it will be a waste of money you can focus your time on other things that can strengthen your app like practicing writing your essays.


3 years ago

Hi, so I get where you’re coming from. My advice would be to take the tests at least once, just in case you get a good score that could boost your chance of getting accepted.


3 years ago

I agree with the other comments here, you should take one of the tests at least once @SimplyAmara. You might surprise yourself and do better than you expect or score well enough where you don't need to take it again. There isn't much downside to taking the test, if it doesn't go well you can just apply without them, so in my view the potential benefits outweigh potential downsides.


3 years ago[edited]

If you don’t submit SAT/ACT scores, it’s all up to your extracurriculares to set you apart from other applicants. If you do have great extracurriculares, then I would still take the test just to see what you get, because if you do well it can only boost your chances. Hope this helps 👍


3 years ago

I would recommend that you take the test because you have the option whether or not you want to submit it. You don't have to submit it if you do badly, but if you surprise yourself and do well, you have good scores to add to your application!


3 years ago

Hey, so I get where you’re coming from and I also hate standardized tests. My advice would be to take the tests (if they’re free) at least once, just in case you get a good score that could boost your chance of getting accepted. If you either have a high gpa or truly believe that you’ll receive bad test score, then I wouldn’t recommend. Good Luck :)


3 years ago

Due to COVID, most schools for the next few years are test-optional. However, this does not apply to all schools, so be sure to check their policy. But, regardless, I would recommend taking it, as it can always boost your application. Not including it won't necessarily make your application worse, but if you get a good score, it can definitely help with the admission process!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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