3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What kind of extracurriculars should I do, which is somehow connected with law?

I am an international student.

I am wondering what extracurriculars there is to do to really show the college admissions that I am interested in becoming a lawyer. I want to come into one of the ivy league schools, and I've read that they look at how your future goals and your extracurriculars are connected.

Currently, I am playing Hockey and Taekwondo, but that's because I like doing them (not for college purposes) I am also the representative of my class in the Student Council in my school. I have also volunteered to be in our school advertising film, where I had the lead role (I participated because I wanted to be able to talk confidently)

I also have a small youtube channel in my mother tongue (97 subscribers), and it is very very rare to find one in my mother tongue. There are of course YouTubers and influencers from my country, but they don't speak our mother tongue because we are only one million in this world, therefore they prefer to have a channel in Russian so that they can become popular. I decided that we cannot risk future generations forgetting our language, even though I'm not good at it myself. I ask my parents and grandparents for help when I don't know a word (which is very often). There are already lots of words that are lost and have been replaced with Russian words, and I didn't want the whole language to disappear. Even though my vocabulary and level of grammar is embarrassing, I am learning and teaching at the same time.

These are the stuff I am doing during my free time, but I don't think any of them is connected to law. Please give me some ideas or advice, I'll be very grateful!

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3 years ago

Well, I am now sure about you school, but in my school there is Mock Trail, where it is a competition about law and a "Mock Trail" takes place with layers and judges. Also, if there is a mock trail competition, maybe you could start you club or activity in your school(that would look good for the admission officers that you pursue your interest).

🎤3 years ago

Thank you so much for the tip! There is a course in my school which we can take in our last year of high school, which is criminology and I think they do mock trials. (:


3 years ago

I think that it depends on the type of aw you are planning to get into. From there, you can determine what activities you should participate in.

For example if you are planning to work in immigration law, then you can volunteer at non-profits based around helping immigrants.

🎤3 years ago

I am interested in human rights and criminal law.

3 years ago

So perhaps volunteering with a Non-profit focused on marginalized groups (ie. LGBTQIA, Black/African Americans, Immigrants etc.). You could also consider participating in Criminal Justice Seminars and/or Law enforcement programs to so your interest in Criminal Law. Like @chandras said, you can also participate in a Mock Trial type of event as well.


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