3 years ago
School List Suggestions

How Many Reaches?

I am interested in Aerospace and my reaches are listed as UVA USC Georgia Tech and several others (though I like those 3 the most). Should I even apply to these schools? While It is advised to apply to 2-3 reaches I think these schools are just out of my league. Right now UVA is showing 19% - 27% 😬😬

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3 years ago

The reasons people usually recommend only applying to 2-3 reaches are because 1) it's expensive to apply to schools and 2) it's a lot of work to apply to schools.

If you apply to 10 schools and you have to pay, on average, $50 to apply you've already spent $500 on application fees. That's a lot of money for a lot of people. If cost isn't much of an issue for you then feel free to apply to as many schools as you're comfortable with.

The bigger reason why people only suggest 2-3 reaches is because of the amount of time and effort involved in creating a strong college application. The essays you need to write aren't like the essays you write in school, they can't be knocked out last minute. They take a ton of time, multiple drafts, revisions, edits, etc. If you start working on them early enough there's no reason you can't apply to a bunch of schools. But if you don't plan on starting your essays until the Fall it can be extremely stressful trying to get them all done.

Also having a 19-27% chance of getting into UVA means it definitely isn't out of your league. Things with that percent range happen all the time. If you have the time + money to apply to those schools you have nothing to lose. Worst case you're out some money and you aren't accepted. At least you'd have a shot, if you don't apply then the answer is 100% no!


3 years ago

I think you should apply to all of them, I mean why not? It's better if you apply to all of them that way you won't be bummed out when you don't get into one and get into the other. Hopefully, this helps.


3 years ago

I think it is definitely a good idea to apply to them all. The only real way to tell if a school is out of your league or not, is to apply. It never hurts to put in the work and apply to more schools. In fact, it's best to have a couple reaches in there.


3 years ago

I think you should apply to all of them. The more you apply, the higher chance of getting one, and you never know, just because the chance of success is low doesn't mean you won't succeed.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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