3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Best schools for law, affordable

I plan to major in Political Sciences and minor in Economics and pre-law/law and get my undergrad degree to continue to law school to become a lawyer.

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3 years ago

Hi there, @skymilner2004!

In your situation, one way you can create a school list is by working backwards from law school if you're set on getting your J.D.

Start by looking at potential law schools you'd like to attend - keep in mind that prestigious, high-paying firms will recruit at certain schools more than others. Then, research the matriculation rates for the undergraduate counterpart to that school. For example, if you wanted to go to UCLA Law, you'd research where most students matriculate from - UCLA or other undergraduate schools.

However, this is not the only way to go about getting into law school, and you can also look into top Political Science or Economics programs to curate your list. We have tons of ranking data on our site. For instance, if you look at our Poli Sci rankings, you can see the tuition cost per school in one of the columns. For example, you can see that UW ranks 44th for PoliSci and the tuition is $8,724/year for in-state students and $21,602/year for out-of-state students.

As for the affordable portion of your question, you can also cross-reference with this list of colleges that cater to demonstrated need to see which colleges will meet 100% of your demonstrated need with loans and without loans, as well as the thresholds for colleges that meet 100% of need for a maximum family income.

Hope this helps and best of luck! You can post any follow up questions in this thread or as a new question :)


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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