3 years ago
School List Suggestions

HBCU bound

There are several HBCU options to select from. However, does anyone have any thoughts on which University to select when thinking of entering into the law field? I have considered Howard University and North Carolina Central University but I want to make sure that I am not making a bad decision. Open to any suggestions and recommendations.

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1 answer

3 years ago

Greetings MsEss,

Great question. I was looking into HBCUs myself for some time.

First, ensure to define what you mean by "making a bad decision." Do you mean a lackluster program? An area you may not like? Teachers that are not highly ranked? Unknown alumni?

There are a few steps that will ensure you make a choice you feel comfortable with. Find as many rankings as you can to get a general idea (which HBCU is the best ranked law school). Write the top 5 down and then view their website. This will give you insight into their culture, students, etc. Also enter the college name in search and then the word "demographics" for more info. Next, find people on LinkedIn that graduated from said HBCU with a law degree and ask them, they would be more than willing to help.

If you haven't checked already, see if your school offers college visits. Mine was in the first semester of junior year, so we could get a better idea of the colleges we may potentially choose. Contact the schools for special discounts, etc.

Hope that helps,


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