2 years ago
School List Suggestions

College Suggestions

I need help finding good colleges to apply to for regular decision. For context, I'm planning to be a chemical engineering major and I have a 4.0 Unweighted GPA. I've taken 11 AP classes and I have a 1480 SAT (ERW 690/M 790) Some of the colleges I already have on my list are MIT, Cornell and the University of Michigan. If it matters, I'm also hispanic.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Note: Without knowledge of what academic fields you are interested in, it can be difficult to suggest good schools for you. I have given my advice on admissions in general.

You have a very impressive academic record from what I can see, good job! If it helps at all, every new college applicant should have a safety school (one you know you can get into), a target school (one that you have a high chance of getting into and already plan to attend), and a reach school (one that is more difficult for admission chances or financial reasons). It seems like you have two reach schools with MIT and Cornell and one target school with Michigan. If I were you, I would apply to a safety school just in case. Personally, I believe Ohio State University could be a good safety while securing some sense of prestige. It has some of the top programs in chemistry and it is fairly cheap for tuition costs. The University of Louisville has a high ranking engineering school called Speed School at a reasonable price as well. If you are interested in medicine, my recommendation would be Johns Hopkins University. New York University is another good choice, especially if you enjoy performing arts or social science. If you're still unsure, ask your guidance counselor! They are there to help you with this exact situation as well as many others regarding college! Good luck on your admissions journey :)

2 years ago

Great requisites and applicant stats, will definitely look great for engineering schools. Being Hispanic does not really matter, other than for school’s looking to diversify there student body (I’m Hispanic too). Some of the top school’s I would suggest for chemical engineering (using the sources below) are:

1.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2.) Stanford University

3.) Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT)

Suggested sources for list-building:

1.) https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/engineering-doctorate-chemical

2.) https://www.collegefactual.com/majors/engineering/chemical-engineering/rankings/top-ranked/

3.) https://www.niche.com/colleges/search/best-colleges-with-chemical-engineering/

4.) https://www.collegeraptor.com/Majors/Details/14.0701/Level/Bachelors-degree/State/All/Chemical-Engineering/

I suggest taking a look through all the school’s attributes and resources for your degree. Also note, you may not need everything, yet, as an undergrad as you may have to apply for graduate school too, so keep that in mind. Either aim for the bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, then pursue your career; OR aim for virtually any chemistry/engineering related degree, apply to grad school, attain a professional chemical engineering degree, and pursue your career.

Hope this provides some helpful insight. Good luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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