3 years ago
School List Suggestions

how important are sororities?

also, what is rushing?

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3 years ago

rushing is a week long event where you go around and visit all the sororities and they tell you what they are all about then you pick which one you like best and hopefully get a bid for it on bid day!


3 years ago[edited]

Sororities are as important as you make them. A sorority can be your home on campus. It can be the place where you meet or live with most of your friends and the place where you make your fondest memories in college. You can also participate in a sorority more causally, participating in just a few events per semester.

Every sorority is also different, and that may affect its importance to you. Some sororities have a professional focus, such as Delta Phi Epsilon, a foreign service sorority. Others may be geared to be a community for a specific demographic, such as the historically Black Delta Sigma Theta sorority. Some sororities throw large parties, while others fancy formal balls more.

Rushing is the unique process that sororities use for recruitment. At the beginning of the semester, sororities will put on social events to attract new members. The rushing process often requires potential recruits to complete certain tasks before being inducted - Alpha Phi Omega, for instance, has a community service requirement during rushing.

Hope this helps!


3 years ago

From my understanding rushing is the a week long event/process when sororities host different themed activities for people interested in joining. All campus sororities do this at the same time so it's kinda like a competition for them to get the new recruits. If I remember correctly the sorority has to accept you, so the point of it is for you and the sororities to connect.


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