3 years ago
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What Should I Major In For A Career In Physical Therapy?

I'm a junior in high school, and I was wondering what I should major in for a career in physical therapy. I hope to get my doctorate in physical therapy.

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@oliviasmith2173 years ago

If I were you, I would major in exercise science

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Majoring in a field that you are passionate about outside of the natural sciences would be your best option. The majority of students who apply to graduate physical therapy programs major in fields like biology during undergrad, but this majority is so large that grad schools have an interest in finding applicants with more unique academic backgrounds. This is because they want their student population to be intellectually diverse, which is possible because everyone takes physical therapy pre-requisite classes in undergrad no matter what they major in.

The important part of choosing a unique major, such as history, communications, etc., is to tie it to your interest in physical therapy. A communications major, for instance, could help you start an physical therapy education project while having your own practice. Colleges appreciate these types of interdisciplinary directions.

For more tips on how to prepare for a career in physical therapy, check out this CollegeVine blog post. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I know that a very common major to get into the Physical Therapy field is Kinesiology - the study of human body movements. In majoring in that, you learn how the human body works using anatomy and body mechanics. And another very common major is Exercise Science - which is more of how exercise can affect the human body, with a lot of it being the positive impact of exercise. However, you could also major in biology, which would be the science-based study of many different living organisms. A major in Psychology is also possible because you would be studying the human mind and human behavior, which you could relate to other majors like Exercise Science, and Kinesology.

In the end, however, the decision is entirely up to you with what you feel is the best fit for both you and the career field you want to end up in after college.

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