2 years ago
School List Suggestions

How did you guys decide on your majors?

I honestly have no idea what I want to do and its really stressing me out.

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I started by listing what I liked doing and narrowed it down to one or two. I then looked at the income of each job and which one I had more of a chance becoming, I now want to have a theatre major.

2 years ago

This is going to be very vague, but what are you interested in/want to do for a job? I know you may be very undecided (I am as well) but focus on something you like, that also will apply to a job you are interested in. (for example I like math, and possibly would be interested in becoming a math teacher, but this degree would leave me with other options). This will help you look for schools, etc. If you really do not know, I recommend looking at liberal art schools where they encourage you to explore different subjects and then pick a major sometime during sophomore year.

2 years ago

Do you have any hobbies? Ask yourself deep down. What do you want to do for a living? Also take a quiz online that might help. Good luck!

2 years ago

I figured out mine because it's something that has interested me for years compared to my typical stop-and-go hobbies. Taking just any tests you can find about what jobs would suit you helps a lot- it might be an odd route to go but the ASVAB (if it's available) is a good idea because it is an official test that also can help gauge what you would be good at, even if you don't plan on going a military route. It's a good idea to check the outlook for potential careers, to see if there will be enough jobs available for you once you end your education. Really, just try not to overthink it- the more you think about it the scarier it gets but try not to ignore it either. I hope this helped!

2 years ago

ONET is a good website to look at jobs. It gives very specific details on what each job really entails on a day to day. Finding a job you are interested in could inform what major you choose.

2 years ago[edited]

I used to do those job assessments in school that would give you a list of what jobs are suitable for you, but I chose something along my own interests and something that I would be engaged with and enjoy. There's a lot of options so it was hard to settle on one, but I suggest taking on something you're passionate in or just exploring. It's best to get a generic idea of what you want to do or what your interests are. :) good luck sometimes it takes a good bit before finding something you can enjoy. I haven't decided what to minor in though, it may just be my backup option.

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