2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Spelman College

Hi! I'm Khalani and I'm a junior. I am currently enrolled in the Legal Studies program at my school. I am looking to major in Sociology and Anthropology as I would like to study abroad. For a second option I was thinking about Environmental Studies. I love learning about Environmental studies but sadly there's some math involved which is not my best subject. I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips, or pointers about Spelman. Thanks!

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2 years ago

Spelman College is a liberal arts college which is committed to educating the Black women leaders of tomorrow. Spelman has strong programs in sociology, anthropology, and study abroad while also offering environmental studies programs.

Spelman's environmental studies major only requires you to take one math class, with a choice between Math355 Biostatistics MATH205 Introduction to Statistics. Both of these classes are on the soft side of mathematics, so the interpretation and argumentation skills that you have learned from legal studies will be applicable. Many students find chemistry to be more challenging than their math courses. As someone who also isn't great at math, I would prefer stats any day!

Another tip is that it would help your application to express an interest in one of Spelman's special programs, such as Social Justice Fellows. This CollegeVine article can give you some more things to consider when it comes to applying to an HBCU. Hope this helps!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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