2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Logical v.s. Emotional

Should I follow my heart or listen to my brain?

So a little backstory I've always had a passion for music and it's been a serious career choice for a really long time now. I would love to pursue it, however, I'm scared that if it does fail then I might end up unsuccessful. I've considered other careers such as a veterinarian, business, law, and more, but I'm scared that I won't be happy in the future.

Other Career!
Not Sure!
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2 years ago[edited]

@abalovich- I get how hard it is to love something but to be scared that it won't work out. I'm not really interested in music as a path but I think it would be good to have a backup. Like you could pursue music but still have a job so that if music didn't work out, you wouldn't have to worry about how to pay for bills and food. Overall I think you should see if pursuing a career in music could work out for you and if it doesn't then it doesn't. At least you'll be to say you tried and it didn't work out!


2 years ago

You can consider other careers that have a higher success rate and do music as a side hobby. That way, you don't have to be scared of failure, but you still are enjoying your passion for music. In fact, you can use the money that you earn from these other careers that you're considering to help fuel your passion for music!


2 years ago

You want to do a job you love, but also one that gives you money. When it comes to this, I suggest exploring other majors that you think that you would enjoy! Also, make sure it is a major that makes you marketable! Being marketable is the name of the game for finding a job! Then you could minor in music or do music as a hobby!


2 years ago

How good are you at music? Is it like pop/mainstream music or classical like piano or violin?

🎤2 years ago

Hi! I've been involved in music my entire life, and I've been in choir for 4 years now, I've been writing and producing my own music for about 3 years now, and I just enjoy it! I compose more mainstream kind of music :)


2 years ago

A secret for making difficult decisions is to just make a decision. I'm being serious, sometimes in life you just need to pick a path to walk down. Perhaps many and many years later you could feel lucky or great about it. Here is a famous poem from Robert Frost for just that The Road Not Taken: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken.


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