2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Help match me with a university (Research, biology, neuroscience, etc.)

Hello everyone, my name is Veronica and I am currently a Junior located in NY. I am an extremely passionate student that wants to gain a solid foundation in cellular biology and neuroscience, as well as conduct research. I am on the search for colleges that meet the following criteria:

- Research university that has extensive research programs available to undergraduates

- Offers Cellular/Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, and/or Pharmacology majors

- Is in the northeast or mid-Atlantic (within 6-8 hours of NY)

- Offers significant financial aid (80-100% need met, loan-free) and/or full-ride need/merit-based scholarships

So far I have the following list of colleges that seem to be geared toward what I am looking for:

- Johns Hopkins University

- Cornell University

- Yale University

- UNC at Chapel Hill

- Boston University

- University of Pennsylvania

- Northeastern University

- Duke University

Some more info that may be helpful:

- Female

- First-generation American (Polish)

- EFC: $3,850

- SAT: 1460 (retaking 2x, aiming for 1520)

- ACT: English (35), Science (35), Reading (32), Math (31) (retaking 2x, aiming for 34 in reading and math)

- GPA: 98.86 (3.95)

- 8 AP classes (by the end of senior year), including 10th: World History, 11th: Psychology, Biology, Language, 12th: Physics, Chemistry, Calculus BC, Human Geo. Students are not allowed to take AP's freshman or sophomore year (except World History)

- Plethora of hobbies that I am head over heels in love with (botany/gardening, alternative/herbal medicine, yoga, dog rescue, dog training, veterinary medicine, entrepreneurship, science research, and more). I am a passionate person that takes initiative wherever it can be taken.

Does anyone have any more recommendations of what schools to look into? Thanks!

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2 years ago

I'm not sure if this would be what you're looking for- but have you looked into University of Chicago? I have a friend who is very into science and is applying there!

🎤2 years ago

UChicago is an amazing school but unfortunately too far from me (13 hours) :(


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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