2 years ago
School List Suggestions

How do I balance safeties with reach and target schools?

Summary of my stats:

3.77 gpa

29 ACT (im retaking it soon)

7 APS (by senior year)

13 honnors classes

5 Dual Enrollment classes

2 SUPA classes

2 Internships

1 job

2 Clubs (officer positions)

1 really good award

Underepresented minority

Based on the chancing, I have a good amount of great school in my safeties category (Howard, American are my favorites) and much more targets and reaches. I my dream school is Princeton, and like other students I want to get into the best ranked college I can get into without spending too much time applying to schools I won't get into. My list is currently 11 schools, 3 safeties, 2 targets, and 6 reaches. Is there anything I should change/ any recommendations about my application profile in general? Thanks!!


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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @jessogb! I believe your profile would present the top 80% percentile of students. You perhaps might want to increase your chances by increasing your target schools.

Here is what is recommended by the CollegeVine Blog:

"You should aim to apply to 8-12 schools total, and at least 2-3 of those should be safeties. A balanced school list is one that is made up of 2-3 safety schools, 4-5 target schools, and 2-3 reach schools. While you should have a 75%+ chance of acceptance at a safety school, at a target or reach school, you should have a 50% or <25% chance of acceptance, respectively."

You can read the complete blog of the guide to safety schools here: shorturl.at/hjsLZ

I hope this information helps & good luck applying!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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