2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Self Study.

Can someone explain how to sign up for self studying-also the process? I’m going to the 9th grade and want to sign up for some extra APs. Also some tips would be mighty kind, thank you.

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2 years ago


My name is Janellie and I have just graduated high-school. It's great that you are interested in AP's. Are they for college credit?

If they are, I would like to suggest doing CLEP as well. Check out the website of Modern States. They offer free courses at your own pace and will even pay your exam cost if you pass the practice questions. I have completed my whole freshman year through them and have lowered my tuition incredibly! You don't have to wait until May to take the CLEP test and can even take it online. Check College Board out for more info.

Hope this helps!! :)


2 years ago

As I understand it, self studying isn't something you sign up for. Basically, you study for whichever AP exam you are wanting to take, and then you sign up for the AP exam in May. The studying is usually done alone, unless you can find a friend who also wants to self study that AP. I can't really give you many tips, seeing as how I'm only considering self studying at the moment, but I would think some generally good ideas are:

You might want to study over the summer, and take notes, and then only have to revise when May comes. Since you can only take the AP exams in May, I would think self studying the AP exam now, would be helpful, so that you don't overload later.

Also, you need to buy some textbooks. If you were self studying, AP Physics, you might need to go online, and look at AP Physics textbooks. You definitely need some sort of book, seeing as you have no teacher.

Another tip, would be to talk to someone who has already taken the exam. Maybe use their notes. Maybe you don't want to take the class, but someone who has taken the class could give you some advice.

I'm sure there is more stuff, but that's all I have. Good luck studying

🎤2 years ago

Sorry for the horrendous wording! I meant how to apply for the courses, not the studying. Thank you for the tips.

2 years ago

It is absolutely no problem! I am glad the tips were useful.


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