2 years ago
School List Suggestions

chance me/provide opinions on my current list of schools!

hey guys! i'd love it if someone could tell me my chances of getting into the schools on my list just so I can get a reality check yk? also if i should apply to more targets or safeties, and advice like things like that.



gpa: 3.95/4.76

sat: 1390 (retaking 2x more times)

rank: school doesn't rank but I got into the UC 9% program thing so at least top 7

aps: max school offers (currently all 5s) & de courses in business, econ, and lots in math (up to linear algebra and dif eq)

home state: cali not URM

major: econ or math


extra curriculars

pretty solid extracurriculars including significant award/accomplishment in sport that I've been doing for 10 years and teaching for 4, a high level mathematical internship with professor, financial manager for family run business, in asb for 4 years (VP), significant role in famous organization (reaching over 100k people) that deals with economics and social justice, 300+ volunteer hours in two organizations that revolve around international relations-ish and also mathematics, paid job tutoring college level STEM subjects, and more things along that level (keeping it somewhat general so i don't get doxxed).


letters of rec should be good (should get one from principal if i am allowed to since I know her the best), essays should be good/decent, etc



csu lb (safety)

uni of oregon (hard safety)

umass amherst (safety)

uni of washington (target)

fordham (target)

colgate (target)

lehigh uni (target)

northeastern (hard target)

villanova (hard target)

northwestern (reach)

cmu (reach)

uchicago (reach)

duke (reach)

washington state (safety)

ucsc (should be safety)

uc davis (target)

uc irvine (target)

calpoly slo (safety)

uc berekely (reach)

upenn (reach)

princeton (reach)

dartmouth (reach)

any opinions on my chances for the schools? especially the targets and UCs?

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2 years ago[edited]

This is a good list, just a lot of schools. I recommend going to tour as many of these places as possible, and if you don’t like it, take it off the list. I thought I’d like schools so I put them on my list (or I was blinded by the prestige) and when I toured, I didn’t like it. I think all the schools on your list should have your major, Econ and math aren’t too hard to find schools for.

Really go in depth for what you want in a school: student life, activities, sports, clubs, campus style, population, state, etc.

I can’t tell you your chances of getting in because college apps are so random. I do think you seem like you have good chances, but at the end of the day the colleges do what they want lol. Good luck!!


2 years ago

I think you're just overwhelming yourself by applying to so many places. Instead, you should cut down on the list and try to narrow down your focus. Trying to manage so many applications will just reduce your efficiency. Moreover, you'll end up paying too much in just application fees unless you get a fee waiver.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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