a year ago
School List Suggestions

Should I Apply to NYU or Try to Transfer?

I'm in my 11th grade year in high school and beginning looking for colleges. My high school career has been interesting to say the least. I suffer with migraines throughout my high school and transitioned to homeschooling because of them. This has made extracurricular activities very difficult to accomplish. Because I'm home most of the time, I put most of my time into studying for the SAT which I got a 1570 on. My GPA is about 3.5 to 3.6 with AP and Dual enrollment classes. I've always wanted to go to NYU however it is very competitive, and I don't know what role my migraines with play in my admission process. I was wondering if I could get a second opinion on this so I can be more prepared with my plan. Thanks!


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4 answers

a year ago

Hi @RobertD,

I am no admissions counselor but I think it doesn't hurt to try and apply to NYU; you could even mention this as part of your application depending on the prompt you choose. I think it is pretty astounding that even though you had headaches in highschool, you still continued to persevere. I remember I had severe depression going through high school but I persevered and graduated and I even made it into Penn State.

a year ago

Hi @RobertD!

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't apply to NYU next year itself. Every shot not taken is a shot missed.

In your application, you can talk about your migraines and other circumstances that have restricted your extracurricular involvement.

If you don't get in, then transfer later on.

Hope this helps!

a year ago

As others have said, you can absolutely apply to NYU. You can explain how your migraines affected your high school career in the additional information section - it will only help you in the admissions process, since colleges are understanding when it comes to extenuating circumstances. If you do not get accepted to NYU or a safety school, you could always apply as a transfer applicant later. Hope this helps!

a year ago

Hey @RobertD!

I doubt your migraines would have a substantial effect on your application process. Your high SAT score is proof enough that you could get accepted, not counting your AP and DE classes. I did some research, and most of the admitted NYU students have SAT scores between 1450-1570. I also learned that if you were to transfer, you would have to have 16 credits, but they don't require a specific GPA. The average GPA for NYU is 3.69, so you could have a chance. You could include the perseverance you showed when you had migraines throughout high school because that could work in place to demonstrate why extracurriculars were hard to achieve. It's your choice, and it would be suitable to apply. Even if you aren't planning to go right away, knowing that you got accepted could help later. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope your dream of attending NYU comes true!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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